ARTBA American Road and Transportation Builders Association



American Road and Transportation Builders Association

Our Purpose: The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) brings together all facets of the transportation construction industry to responsibly advocate for infrastructure investment and policy that meet the nation’s need for safe and efficient travel. ARTBA also offers value-added programs and services providing its members with a competitive edge.

Our Vision: A dynamic transportation network that enriches American life.

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CSi Bridge Analysis, Design And Rating – SPONSOR SILVER


Bridge Analysis, Design And Rating

One of the most versatile and productive programs available on the market for modeling, calculation and dimensioning of Bridges. CSiBridge enables fast, efficient dimensioning and structural reinforcement of existing concrete and metal bridges. Parametric modeling allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and make changes efficiently while maintaining full control over the design process.
Mobile Phone:: +51 954 432 461

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Infrastructures an Open Access Journal by MDPI


an Open Access Journal by MDPI


Infrastructures is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed open access journal on infrastructures published monthly online by MDPI. The journal collaborates with the Spanish Road Technology Platform /Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Carretera (PTC). Infrastructures is affiliated to International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures (iSMARTi).

  • Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Inspec, and many other databases.
  • Journal Rank: CiteScore – Q2 (Building and Construction)
  • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 12.9 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2021).
  • Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.


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Universidad Ricardo Palma

Universidad Ricardo Palma


Ricardo Palma is a social institution that represents society, it is its conscience, its soul and its lighthouse. And at the same time it is his moral and intellectual reserve. It is a leading institution in that in difficult circumstances it must illuminate the path of knowledge. We strive for this University to survive the times and remain flexible, adaptable to the changes that are going to occur in society. That is your future.

We have completed half a century of pedagogical work, in the most organic sense of the term. We promote the interdisciplinary spirit, humanism and personal fulfillment as elements that are impossible to separate. Likewise, it is satisfactory to corroborate that new generations distinguish us with their vote of confidence, choosing one of our eight faculties as a guarantee of excellence: Architecture, Biological Sciences, Economic and business Sciences, Law and political science, Humanities and Modern Languages, Engineering, Human medicine, Psychology.

In addition to this, we are licensed by the National Superintendency of Education (Sunedu), an unequivocal sign of our perseverance and validity.

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Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería – Facultad de Ingeniería Civil

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil


The FIC UNI has its primitive antecedents in the Special School of Civil Constructions and Mines of Peru, created in 1876, also called the School of Engineers of Peru. Its prestige is confirmed today with the international re-accreditation of ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology), training students with technical competence, adaptability and versatility, communication and teamwork, ethical and professional responsibility, education and continuous updating.

Professional training covers the branches of basic sciences, construction, structures, geotechnical engineering, hydraulics and hydrology, roads and geomatics.

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Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo – Edgar Morin – IPCEM

Instituto Peruano del Pensamiento Complejo
Edgar Morin – IPCEM


The Peruvian Institute of Complex Thought – Edgar Morin / IPCEM, is created at the Ricardo Palma University with the purpose of contributing to a greater dissemination and development of complex thought and issues related to complexity in Peru. The French philosopher Edgar Morin is its Honorary President. The Institute bears his name in tribute to his work and his commitment to the reform of contemporary thought for the construction of a fairer and more supportive humanity. The IPCEM is sponsored by the French Embassy in Peru and by the Association pour la Pensée Complexe, based in Paris.

The IPCEM has, among its objectives: to build a democratic space, which integrates citizens, universities, companies and other institutions committed to the socialization and investigation of complex thought, to contribute to planning development in a non-fragmented or reductionist manner and to promote a framework strategy that articulates the different areas of knowledge and solidarity efforts in the search for solutions to the serious problems of poverty, education, violence, unemployment, among others, that affect the country and the world.

It is of vital importance, for the IPCEM, to train experts in complex issues and, from this approach, to promote research related to democratic government and state policies, the environment, science and technology, recovery of ancestral knowledge, economy, health and education, among others, as well as strategies to bring them closer to society.

Since education is the strategic factor for social transformation, a critical review of the educational system in general is necessary, from the complexity approach, the inter, multi and transdisciplinary construction of knowledge and the orientation of the professions towards human, local development. and overall.

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What is new when traveling to Machu Picchu?

Prevention protocol before Covid-19 for the attention of tourist visits in the llaqta or Inca city of Machu Picchu

  • Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is fully open.
  • To board the trains they no longer request face shields. Temperature checks are also not necessary. You must be fully vaccinated to board the trains.
  • To board the buses to Machu Picchu, you need to be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID test.
  • Use of a double surgical mask or a KN95.
  • Social distancing of 1 meter.
  • Hand disinfection with the supplies provided at the time of entry.
  • Forbidden to consume food during the visit.

In addition to this, remember that a total of 3,000 visitors can enter daily at up to nine different times that go from 06:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
In addition, the archaeological center has recently been adapted so that the groups cross each other as few times as possible through the 4 defined unidirectional circuits. Added to this is the disinfection of homes and commercial premises carried out in the district of Machu Picchu Pueblo in the previous months.
These safety and health protocols that both the citadel of Machu Picchu and the PeruRail train service operator have implemented seek that travelers from all over the world can enjoy this world wonder, requiring the active participation and commitment of visitors.
Prohibitions during your visit to the citadel of Machu Picchu
During your visit to the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, the following is prohibited, among other things:

  • Carry backpacks, bags or handbags larger than 40x35x20 cm (16x14x8 inches).
  • Enter with food and household items.
  • Carry canes, umbrellas, parasols, portable seats, tripods, supports or extensions for cameras, cell phones or any other stabilization or extension element for filming and/or photography.
  • Enter with animals, with the exception of guide dogs.
  • Make loud or annoying noises such as clapping, shouting, whistling or singing, among others.
  • Causing a riot, jumping, lying down, running, undressing or creating disorder.
  • Climb or lean on walls and/or structures. Touch, move or extract lithic elements.
  • Disturb, collect or extract flora or fauna.
  • Smoking, vaping or carrying out any type of fire.
  • Throw waste of any kind.

Peru Travel Restrictions Updates – COVID

Updated on May 10, 2022. The use of masks in open spaces is optional in some regions such as Lima.

New Restrictions to Enter Peru

  • Peruvians, resident foreigners and non-resident foreigners over 12 years of age, regardless of their country of origin, must prove that they have completed the vaccination against Coronavirus.
  • Unvaccinated individuals must present a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours.
  • Children under the age of 12 can board the plane without a PCR test as long as they are asymptomatic.
  • People who show symptoms when entering the country’s territory will be monitored and will be subject to mandatory 14-day isolation.
  • Everyone entering Peru must complete the “Electronic Affidavit of Health and Geolocation Authorization” within 72 hours prior to travel.

Restrictions within Peru:

  • Those over 12 years of age will be able to board interprovincial flights and buses only if they are fully vaccinated.
  • Unvaccinated individuals must present a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours.
  • Those over 18 years of age must have a booster shot to board domestic flights and ground transportation.
  • Otherwise, they must submit a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours.
  • Everyone must complete the “Electronic Affidavit of Health and Geolocation Authorization.”

Border Restrictions:
All land borders are open, travelers must be vaccinated to board.
Wearing a mask is mandatory in all public areas:

  • In Áncash, Ica, Lima, the use of masks in open spaces is optional.
  • The other regions, the use of masks is mandatory in all public places; 1 KN95 mask or 1 3-ply disposable mask + 1 reusable cloth mask is required.

Reception, Evaluation and Registration of Speakers

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International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures (iSMARTi) & Construction and Management Institute (Instituto de la Construccion y Gerencia, ICG) are pleased to invite you to the 5th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure in Lima-Peru from 10 to 13 August 2022.
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Central de Peru is the fourth best restaurant in the world and the first in South America in 2021.

Chef Virgilio Martínez and Pía León, recognized for their gastronomic exploration of Peru’s biodiversity, Central de Peru is the fourth best restaurant in the world and the first in South America in 2021. “The Central team, with the research center Mater Initiative, make up a group of expeditioners full of curiosity about Peru”, defines himself, where he signs a singular commitment to rediscover products, which go from the Coast to the Amazon, with the Andes as the axis, and to translate them into creative dishes. It is the gastronomic verticality of a chef, who prefers to take risks and move away from the most orthodox avant-garde to observe “the world from a different level” and create recipes that are accompanied by height measured in meters according to the origin of their ingredients (sometimes undocumented and cataloged by the chef and his team). Central is a restaurant with two floors, capacity for around 70 diners and a glazed kitchen overlooking the dining room, from where you can see Virgilio Martínez and Pía León finishing and checking dishes on the show.

As beverage options, the menus can be harmonized with a pairing of wines or juices (non-alcoholic), also made with Andean ingredients and under a format designed by the sommelier, coordinated with the kitchen and pastry team. “It’s about using ingredients from the same heights to complement the food.” In addition, at the entrance of the restaurant, there is a cocktail bar, an area with a bar, high stools and an informal menu of dishes, various non-alcoholic drinks and interesting cocktails, many based on a ‘made in Central’ philosophy.

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