If you are going to make a trip to Peru and you have children or relatives aged 12 or over, they must meet the following requirements to enter the country.
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 1218-2021 it is arranged to continue with the use of the double mask and stop using footbaths and taking temperature.
The Ministry of Health (Minsa), through Ministerial Resolution No. 1218-2021-Minsa published yesterday in the newspaper El Peruano, updated the biosafety protocols for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Peru.
The regulations provide to continue, in a mandatory way, with the use of the double mask to circulate on public roads and in closed spaces or where distance cannot be maintained. The masks should have good filtering capacity and fit the face. This will be possible with the use of a double mask (a surgical one with three folds, and over it a community mask) or with a KN 95.
Likewise, it is established to ensure that work environments, means of transport, restaurants, among others, have adequate ventilation, preferably naturally, keeping the windows open. With regard to physical distancing, he continues to maintain more than 1.5 meters of distance with other people.
The legal device also recommends maintaining the social bubble with the people with whom the place of residence is shared. In work environments or places with risk of agglomeration and closed spaces, it is advisable to measure CO2 to ensure that adequate measures have been implemented for air exchange. In the same way, you continue to wash your hands frequently with soap and water or disinfect them with 70% alcohol gel.
Meanwhile, the use of face shields or glasses is recommended in closed spaces where there is an agglomeration of people, (but it is not mandatory), however, it does not replace the use of a mask.
On the other hand, Ministerial Resolution No. 1218-2021-Minsa specifies that prevention measures such as disinfection of streets or squares, disinfection of surfaces or community spaces (with electrostatic sprayers, nebulizers, sprinklers, vaporizers or electronic air cleaners), foot baths and taking temperature or oxygen saturation have not been shown to be effective, so they should not be used by public or private institutions.
It is worth mentioning that this technical health standard is mandatory in the public health service provider institutions (IPRESS) of the Minsa, through the Integral Health Directorates (Diris), of the regional governments, through the Regional Directorates of Regional Health and Health Management (Geresa), Social Health Insurance (EsSalud), health services of the Armed Forces and the Police.
Road closure authorized by MTC has the support of the Thastayoc community, which welcomed the recording team and will join in the cleaning work in the area.
Within the roads authorized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), in the Cusco region, for the filming of the seventh film in the “Transformers” saga is Highway 28B Abra Málaga-Ruta Cusco-Quillabamba, which will be used for production until November 12, in the section from km 89 (Piri) to km 173 (Alfamayo). With the support of the Thastayoc community, a film production team settled in Abra Málaga and agreed to carry out cleaning work in this natural viewpoint, more than 4,000 meters above sea level. For these tasks, more than 40 community members from the area have been hired, which will also mean a direct income for the benefit of the population.
Mario Santos, president of the Thastayoc community, explained that the coordination with the film’s production team was carried out for two months and that the garbage collection is extremely necessary because it is a national highway with high traffic.
“We have met with the men from the filming for a long time, it has been two months since we have agreed with the community and they asked us to use this site as a parking lot for their equipment. The community has accepted and in this way we are working ”, said the leader.
During the traffic restriction, public, private, cargo and passenger transport companies will be informed about the alternative routes they can take, from 5:30 am to 6:30 pm, when this section of the road is used. . On Sunday, November 7, the transit will be free.
It should be noted that all residents between Km 89 (Piri) and Km 183 (Alfamayo) will have free access and, at all times, emergency vehicles will be allowed through. In addition, the production team will have to comply with the recommendations made by Provías Nacional in the use of the road.
In this context, the community has been collaborating with the production team and awaits the premiere to be able to see the Peruvian landscapes on the screen. “We have never seen in life, we are just going to see what that Transformers movie is like. So, for us it is history ”, assured Santos.
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