Social Activity – GALA DINNER


On the occasion of the 5-ICTI-2022 we are organizing a Gala Dinner and we would like to count on your participation in it. It will be an opportune moment to interact, strengthen our ties of friendship between professionals, companies and entities.

You can register and participate, this activity is independent of the other ICTI activities.
Yours sincerely,
The organizing committee

The program includes:

  • Honorary Speech
  • Awards
  • Dinner
  • Artistic Show
    Day: Thursday, August 11, 2022
    Time: 20:00 hrs.
    Meeting: Sheraton Hotel

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    Best Paper Award 2022 on Transportation Infrastructure


    Best Paper Award 2022 on Transportation Infrastructure

    ICG and ISMARTI organize a competition for the best papers 2022 on transport infrastructure. In the first call, the papers presented and approved by the International Scientific Committee 5-ICTI-2022 will be published in the proceedings of the “5th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure, to be held in Lima, from 10 to 13 August 2022.

    First, second and third place will receive an electronic certificate and will have the option to publish their paper in Infrastructures Magazine (after the normal peer review procedure). Contact:

    The World’s 50 Best Restaurants: Central is the world’s second best restaurant



    Central, a restaurant run by Peruvian chefs Virgilio Martínez and Pía León, was voted the second best restaurant in the world in The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. The prestigious ranking was announced this afternoon.

    The gala, which brought together the best chefs in the world, was held this Monday at Old Billingsgate in London.

    Central, located in Lima, has moved up two places in the ranking. Last year it was ranked fourth best in the world. It was also voted Best Restaurant in South America in 2021.

    The gala also gave another great news to Peruvian gastronomy. Maido, by chef Mitsuharu Tsumura, ranked 11th in the ranking.

    In addition, the Mayta restaurant, by the renowned Jaime Pesaque, ranked 32nd on the list. It had previously been included in the prestigious list of the 50 Best Latam.

    The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, a list compiled by gastronomic experts from all over the planet, celebrates its 20th anniversary in London, its home from 2003 to 2015 before it traveled to New York, Melbourne (Australia), Bilbao (Spain) and Singapore and the pandemic hiatus.

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    Eduardo Ríos y Asociados SAC – SPONSOR GOLD

    Eduardo Ríos y Asociados SAC – SPONSOR GOLD

    Leader in engineering solutions, applied to corrugated metal structures in Peru, always staying at the forefront of new technologies, offering safe, economical, efficient and time-saving infrastructure solutions to your needs.
    We provide permanent technical support facilitating the design, development and construction of different civil applications.
    Contact us: Julissa Segura (Commercial Manager)
    Mobile Phone: +51 1 998 048 701

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    Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público – OSITRAN

    Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público – OSITRAN


    Ositran is the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Public Transportation Infrastructure, created in January 1998. We are a public, decentralized agency, attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with administrative, functional, technical, economic and financial autonomy.

    Our general functions are to supervise, regulate, regulate, supervise, sanction, solve controversies and attend claims regarding activities or services that involve the exploitation of transportation infrastructure for public use such as highways, airports, ports, railroads – including the provision of public passenger railroad transportation services on the Lima and Callao Metro lines – as well as the Amazon Waterway.

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    Hansoo Road Industry – SPONSOR SILVER

    Hansoo Road Industry – SPONSOR SILVER

    Hansoo Road Industry is a innovative road construction company with advanced pavement technologies and material development in Kora.

    Technologies and Materials:
    • No smell 100℃ phalt: No-smell & low temperature asphalt (100℃ Production and Construction)
    • Recover asphalt: Ultra-thin Layered hot mix asphalt using 5mm Aggregate
    • Low noise asphalt: Noise reduction asphalt with smooth and surface micro void
    • Epoas: High strength epoxy asphalt for bridge Pavement
    • Busphalt: High strength asphalt for bus-only Lane or bus stop
    • Pump phalt: Asphalt for pump track
    • RMC / CSM: High strength & elasticity asphalt modifier
    • Asmell cut: Additive for asphalt smell removal

    Road Repair Products:
    • Speed ro pocket: Eco-friendly cold repair material for potholes
    • HS Seal: Cold repair material for crack
    • EP CON: All-in-one repair mterial for spalling and potholes
    • HS Band: Self adhesive repair tape for cracks
    • HS Joint: Hot asphalt for cracks and potholes
    • Pellet type HS Joint: Pellet type Hot asphalt for cracks and potholes
    Cell phone: +82-42-823-6890

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    MTC – Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones

    MTC – Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones

    We connect and integrate the country through the development of transportation systems, and communications and telecommunications infrastructure. We promote socio-economic development, national, regional and international integration, trade facilitation, poverty reduction and, above all, the well-being of citizens. We agree with regional and local governments. We work tirelessly to provide the country with efficient road, rail, air and maritime traffic systems. We also formulated regional projects that will be connected to the National Fiber Optic Backbone Network (RDNFO) to bring the Internet to more locations. Likewise, through the control bodies and attached institutions, we supervise the proper functioning of land routes, air and water routes, and telecommunications.
    Address: Jirón Zorritos 1203, Cercado de Lima
    Telephone: +51 1 615 7800

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    3M Ciencia. Aplicada a la vida

    3M Ciencia. Aplicada a la vida


    3M Road Safety
    At 3M, we are dedicated to improving transportation infrastructure and mobility so that all users can reach their destinations safely. For more than 80 years, 3M has been on a mission to reduce deaths on highways, city streets and intersections, and in construction zones. We are working to achieve zero fatalities with innovations such as reflective pavement markings and more visible road signs in poor weather and low visibility conditions.
    Malu Mogollon
    Position: Gerente de Consultoría Técnica
    Cell phone: +51 989 019 003

    Carlos Velarde
    Position: Gerente de Cuentas Claves
    Cell phone: +51 989 155 140

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    Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento

    Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento


    We design, promote and execute the sectoral policy, contributing to the sustainable territorial development of the country, preferably benefiting the low-income population.

    We are the Governing Body for Urban Planning, Housing, Construction and Sanitation, responsible for designing, regulating, promoting, supervising, evaluating and executing the sectoral policy, contributing to the competitiveness and sustainable territorial development of the country, preferably benefiting the low-income population.

    Our Values
    Vocation of service, Innovation, Competitiveness, Teamwork, Solidarity, Proactivity, Probity, Commitment.

    Our Vision
    Peruvians live in an orderly territory, in sustainable urban and rural population centers, in safe housing, with quality water and sanitation services.

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    Pacasmayo Profesional – SPONSOR COOPER

    Pacasmayo Profesional – SPONSOR COOPER

    Pacasmayo is the leading company in providing solutions for construction in the north and northeast of Peru. We are a leading company committed to innovation and caring for the environment, as well as the second cement company with the largest installed production capacity in the country. We operate with an experienced team of professionals who daily renew a constant search to improve the construction practices of Peruvians, inspired by a corporate culture based on sustainability.
    Sales Contact:
    Julio Heredia
    Cell phone: +51 941 876 131

    Luis Miguel Pacheco
    Cell phone: +51 985 530 259

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