With great pleasure and satisfaction, the Instituto de la Construcción y Gerencia (ICG) presents the seventh edition of the book “Análisis y Diseño de Estructuras con SAP2000”, which presents the Modeling, Analysis and Design of Structures using the SAP2000 program “Integrated Software for Structural Analysis and Design”.
Updated with SAP2000 v21 2019

  • New Applications
  • Detailed Explanation
  • 224 pages
  • Includes color pages
    Book 100% in Spanish.

    .:. AUTHOR

    Ing. César Alvarado Calderón

    .:. INDEX

    • SAP2000 Program Environment

    • Application N.º 01
      Structural analysis of flat portal frame

    • Application N.º 02
      Analysis and design of continuous beams

    • Application N.º 03
      Analysis and design of reinforced concrete wall and portal frames

    • Application N.º 04
      Reinforced concrete beams and prestressed concrete beams

    • Application N.º 05
      Analysis and design of a cross-linked beam

    • Application N.º 06
      Dynamic seismic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings

    • Application N.º 07
      Retaining wall analysis


    .:. PRICE

    Normal US$ 55
    Member ICG US$ 50