


Construction and Management Institute (ICG) and the International Society for the Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures (iSMARTi) express their gratitude to all those People, Exhibitors, Participating Professionals, Institutions and Companies that contributed to the success of the “5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE” that took place in Lima from August 10 to 13, 2022.

In the event we have had valuable topics of a high technical level and actuality, for which we thank the Keynote Speakers, Exhibitors, International Scientific Committee, International Organizing Committee, Local Committee for their contribution and participation.

We thank the Sponsoring Companies, Institutions and Government Organizations for endorsing and supporting the event 5-ICTI-2022 in-person.

Now we will have important news such as Best Paper Award 2022, Publication of Proceedings and Photos of the Event, as well as publication of Courses and Workshops that are Post 5-ICTI-2022 Activities in which you are cordially invited to participate.

Carlos M. Chang, PhD. PE.               Ángel Gómez, Eng.
ICTI Chair                                                ICTI Executive Director




Hosin “David” Lee, PhD.


Iván Rodríguez Chávez, Dr.


Rafael Capristan Miranda, Econ.


Carmen Deulofeu, Ing.


João Merighi, PhD.


Benjamin Colucci, PhD.


Gilberto Martinez Arguelles, PhD.


Carlos Lozada Contreras, Ing.


Juan Jairo Garcia Jimenez, Ing.


Carlos A. Penin, PE.


Jung Ho Park


Hee-Jeong Kim, PhD.


Mario Velez C., Ing. Mg.


Carlos M. Chang, PhD. PE.


Pilar Jiménez, Arq.


José Salinas Saavedra, Ing.


Badin Mallqui Saravia, Ing.


Patricia Irrgang, Lic.


Manuel Morales Jiménez, Ing. Mg.


Antonio Herrera Sheen, Ing.


Jorge Escalante Zegarra, Ing.


DingXin Cheng, PhD. PE.


Sui G Tan, PE.


Eric Stannard, Dr.


Massimo Losa, MSc.


Javier Gómez Sánchez, Mg. Ing.


Jorge Omar Cruz Toribio, Ing.


Esther Pozo Caro, Ing.


Miguel Angel Torres Soto, Arq. Mg.


Erika Gutierrez Ortiz, Ing.


Edward Santa María Dávila, MSc. Ing.


Fanny Eto Chero, MSc. Ing.


Ghim Ping Ong, PhD.


Jorge Pais, PhD.


Gonzalo Oroz, Dr.


Rita Moura Fortes, PhD.


Livia Fortes Merighi, MSc. Ing.


Lucía Sáez Alván, Dra.


Amir Golalipour, PhD. PE. M. ASCE.


Willians Mertz Villa, Mg.


Mauricio Salgado, Mg. Ing.


Ricardo Zevallos Meneses, Mg. Ing.


Fernando Tarquino Torres, Dr. Ing.


Robinson Vasquez, LLM. MBA.


Antonio Amengual Pericas, Ing.


Oscar Tapia Flores, MPM. MBA. Ing.


José Luis Rocher Pérez, Mg. Ing.


Luis Arce Pinilla, Ing.


Karem E. Munive Rojas, Abog.


Carlos Marquez Herrero, Ing.


Mario Becerra Salas, MBA. Mg. Ing.


Luis Siliezar, Ing.


Ismael Pagán Trinidad, MSCE.


Jorge Alva Hurtado, PhD.


Teresa Salinas Gamero, Mg.


Gaby Ruiz Petrozzi, MSc. Ing.


Wilfredo Gutiérrez Lazares, MSc. Ing.


María Mogollón Rodríguez, Ing.


Francisco Jaramillo Tarazona, Ing.


Hao Wang, PhD.


Davide Lo Presti, PhD.


Sinha Kumares C., PhD.


Expo Vial & Transportation
Sponsor: Hansoo
Sponsor: ERA


Coffee Break


Gala Dinner


Typical Dances




Confraternity Lunch


Attention ICG


ICG Staff


URP University Support


Sponsors ICTI