International Organizing Committee


Carlos Salazar García, Ing.
Secretariat of Communications and Transportation


Civil Engineer by the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, (ESIA, IPN) and aspiring Master in Engineering with specialization in Geotechnics by the Faculta de Ingeniería, (FI-UNAM). He is in charge of the Pavement and Earthworks Area at the General Directorate of Technical Services of the Secretariat of Communications and Transport, Mexico (DGST, since 2016), Geotechnical Specialist at the DGST (2011-2016), head of the Soil Mechanics and Earthworks Laboratory (2009 – 2011).

He has experience in the development and review of studies and projects of construction, conservation and reconstruction of flexible and rigid pavements, and geotechnical studies of slope stability. Member of the Management and Evaluation Committee of AMAAC.